Kurta -- Cotton, saffron
Mridanga Drum - Tilak (25")
Basic Tulsi Japa Beads - Large
Skirt -- Pentex Cloth, Multicolor
The Glories of Govardhana Hill

Beautiful Series of Compact Wisdom

By Wim Liesker

I was surprised to find this great edition of Srimad Bhagavatam edited, transcribed and translated b ...

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Correct delivery

By Iris Goosen

Haribol! Accessible website, good shop, all links are active, inexpensive shipment India/Europe, co ...

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Completely a beauty of set!

By Nitai Charan Ferrera Nakamaura

Completely a beauty of set! Always please keep it available. Thank you for having it. Apreciate all ...

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A comprehensive translation and explanation

By Mike McDade

I am completely new to the concept of Kirishna Consciousness, the Vedas and the Mahabharata. Having ...

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By Antonello Tittoni

Thank's very much for the success of my order. I like the products, the smell of the incense is very ...

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Pleasant enchanting fragrance

By Douglass van Hayden

no problem

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So Grateful

By Joy Golding

I just want to thank you for your timely deliveries of my precious books, cd's and photos. Everythin ...

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Amazing Service

By Nina Herfurth

Hare Krishna, thank you for the opportunity to order in Vrindavan. I am very happy and grateful ...

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Vrindavana Flower

By Andrew Casserly

Beautiful insence which shipped all the way from Vrindavana within a few days. I'm very pleased inde ...

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Takes time but is worth the waiting

By Luis Sirvent

It took a while to get the items. However, the tracking was very good. All the items ordered matched ...

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By Thomas Lowe

The vast majority of Times I order, the process is is efficient and quick. On those rare occasions w ...

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By Loyd Treier

Krsna came back into my life through your store . I have now read srimad Bhāgavatam and currently r ...

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Wonderful Products!

By Frederick Clark

I have never been disappointed with the products purchased from Krishna Store. Everything that I ord ...

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Thankful for this great website and those behind it.

By Daniel Davis

I was very happy to discover that I could easily purchase a pre-'77 Bhagavad Gits as It is, I was ex ...

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By Anil Raja Das

Haribol Prabhu and Mata ji Thank you so Much for the parcel as they are now ready to give to my ...

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