Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Dean Cary of New Zealand

Date added: 04/01/2015

Title: Dhoti purchase

I ordered two pairs of dhoti from Krishna Store. THey arrived within the stated timeframe and in fact I was alerted by email of the attempt to deliver (no one home) before I was aware they ahd arrived. Brilliant tracking system. Having uplifted the package from the courier dept, I opened it and received two nicely made, very robust dhoti. They were securely packaged. I tried them on, then after initial washing I wore each one for my early morning devotions. One of the dhoti (the one pictured) I wore to Holi festival recently. It is no longer original colour but was very welcome for dancing and celebrating in the hot weather. Thanks so much for these excellent products. Hare krsna.

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Dhoti purchase